Blogging and content writing for your business website

Blogging and content writing for your business website

Blogging and content writing for your business website is a concept too often overlooked. You have a great responsive website, mobile friendly, and now you think people will find you. If you think your job is done, well, think again! You need a blog and content, and you need it on a regular basis. Blogging and content writing are important for various reasons.

Blogging and content writing for expertise

Keep an updated blog on your website with updated, high quality content. It shows your client and prospects that your business is an expert and a leader in its field. Update your blog a minimum of once a month and share it on your social media platform with your followers. You can also use this content to share via your newsletter with your contact list. Your content writing, blog, should be related to your industry and should be helpful. You are not creating content as a direct sale effort, but more as a value added. You want to share industry news, tips, new products offer, and case studies. The point is to be helpful and create trust with your clients and leads. It proves that you are the best for the job. Make sure to take blogging seriously and keep your content writing up to date.

Blogging and content writing for SEO

When people search online for information on a problem they are trying to solve, Google will crawl websites to fulfill the answer. If your have regular, relevant content writing, that person will spend time researching the information on your website. That is a qualified lead, because they were looking for that exact information which they found on your website. Now if your website had no content but your competition’s website does, Google will send all these qualified leads to them.

For these two major reasons, your company should consider updating its blog with regular, fresh content writing regularly. This is a part of your “inbound marketing” and should be a priority. Blogging is an important part of your online marketing.

Another form of content that is important to your website and business is the content on your web pages. For SEO purpose a website needs to have a certain amount of text on each page. It also needs to be laid out in a certain format. Google uses that specific formula to rank your website. For this reason, when you hire someone to design your website, it is best to hire a knowledgeable web designer.  Your website designer needs to be knowledgeable in SEO, search engine optimization.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Blogging helps establish your business as an authority, built trust and engagement.” user=”webdesignplusseo” hashtags=”blogging, contentwriting”]

So, you should invest time and money in blogging and content writing. It helps establish your business as an authority in its field, built trust and engagement. It also increases your website search engine optimization. If you need help with blogging and content writing, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help you.

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